Requesting Hazard Severities

To request the list of hazard severities configured in the system please use the route defined here:

Get hazard severities



    "severity_id": "TERMINATION",
    "severity_name": "Termination",
    "severity_icon": "termination.png"
    "severity_id": "INFORMATION",
    "severity_name": "Information",
    "severity_icon": "information.png"
    "severity_id": "ADVISORY",
    "severity_name": "Advisory",
    "severity_icon": "advisory.png"
    "severity_id": "WATCH",
    "severity_name": "Watch",
    "severity_icon": "watch.png"
    "severity_id": "WARNING",
    "severity_name": "Warning",
    "severity_icon": "warning.png"

See Authorizing Requests page to get your accessToken.

curl --location --request GET \
  '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer your_accessToken'

This request will return an array that contains all of the hazard severities. Each element in the array will have three properties:

In every DAE system the following colors (in RGB format) are associated with each hazard severity:

Last updated